Monday, February 2, 2009

Bundy and Button- Flyting

well, i may not have siblings, but i do have something worse.
i have a cousin.
this cousin... well, lets just say he's my worst enemy and best friend all in one. i love to hate him and hate to love him.
anyway, meet orrin, or as we call him... Bundy. and please for gods sake don't ask me about my nick name.

"Heeeyyy, Button!" heavy sigh. "lo, Bundy."
"well is that any way to greet your favorite cousin."
"you still owe me $50 plus interest and that was from 5 years ago, so yeah, it kinda is."
"why, you little brat"
"snot-nosed brat"
"cranky old geezer"
"all those books you read are making your brain rot"
"well atleast i don't have grandma butt!"
".... low blow"
"but true"
"hey, i resemble that remark"
smirk "i know"

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