Friday, February 13, 2009

Measure for Measure- So I Conclude

In Conclusion:
It is a mere hour after the play and I am still riding the adrenaline-nervous-jittery-energy high while I am writing this paper. I can say that I learned more about this play because I was forced to act it out than of any other that I have read. I had a wonderful time and made friends with some interesting people and characters. I can actually say that I somewhat enjoy acting, or at least have a better appreciation for theater actors. Especially their memory.

lines and acting and gag! just about keeled over. but hey, it was fun.

well, as for other news since three of my group have epithets thanks to lynn i will make an attempts to set up my own.

Nick- Quick Wit Nick
Ben- Keen Kenning Ben
Myself- Gossamer von Goss

Zack- Zack, i assume Zachary but we all know what they say about assumptions, means "Yahweh remembers" which is interesting since this class is about memory.

Lynn- again assuming, only this time welsh, means lake.

this is going to be difficult. i think i'll ponder a bit more.

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