Friday, February 13, 2009

Measure for Measure- Play

The Preset:
All I could think is, thank god it’ll be over with soon!! But seriously, it was fun. An hour or so before class we got together one last time to get some sort of set up for the play. Places to stand, gestures, timing, all of that had not really been thought out thoroughly. We ended up with a rough idea and threw it together form there with the recommendation to adlib it from there if things started going wrong. Pacing with my ipod, bouncing on my toes and muttering to myself in sheer nervousness I could not believe that I was actually going to do this. I was so screwed. Eventually, we wandered off to ourselves for a bit and then reconvened to set up the class room. I think I had Camptown Races running through my head. Action!
The Play:
Being the first one to speak was… nerve wracking. But Lucio, is an interesting character and his flamboyancy made me think solely on the humor of the situation. It helped. It also helped that people laughed and were smiling. Being booed off the stage was not something I, or anyone of us, really wanted. So, really, I, and we, just went out there and did it. Clinging to the script for comfort with sweaty hands, chewing on a pencap to keep myself calm and running through my lines in my head was the only thing that I paid any attention to after I started speaking. The crowd no longer existed. So, I let Lucio’s and my own natural, and nerve wrought, cheerful, bounciness through and just went with it. I got lost but kept going with some prompting and we kept at it, no matter how lost and confused we got. And frankly, it went a lot faster than I thought, even though it was over forty minutes. I regret none of it and would probably enjoy doing something like this again… in a few years.

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