Friday, February 13, 2009

Measure for Measure- Characters

The Characters:
When we had finally whittled it down to eight or so characters and a rough script, we set about deciding who could be multiple characters. Who did not have a scene with which character, which character had the fewest lines, etc. Eventually it came down to Angelo and the Duke being only themselves. Madame Overdone, Marianna and the Provost could be one person with some quick switching as those three had fewest lines and most freedom. Isabella was supposed to be the only character for the actor but we realized, rather belatedly, that we needed a gentleman but that came later. Lucio and Claudio got thrown together mostly by accident and also due to the fact that we had cut the scene where those two interacted.
We wrote the names down and mixed them up in a hat and drew. I was in a tizzy for fear that I would end up with any of the three main parts. Sutter drew and in some sort of preordainment our leader got the play’s lead. I almost felt sorry for him. Alex went next and got Angelo followed by Zack getting Isabella. I breathed a sigh of relief and choked on the idea of a bearded Isabella. Then it was me; I got lucky. I got Lucio/Claudio. And Rikki followed with Madame Overdone. I thought it somewhat ironic that the one with acting experience got the least lines. But it saved us that she knew what to do and how to enhance the performance.
Lucio. Lucio, when I think of him is… gaudy, flamboyant, cheery and bright. He is not harmful, rather harmless, really but chaotic. He is an agent of chaos and cheer. I could not find it in me to turn him into a true letch and pervert. He is impulsive but makes breaks for himself. He is energetic and always in motion with grand gestures. So bright colors and Betty LaBoup spreading the love it was.
Claudio, I did not get a good hook on. And since he said so little I just made him fickle. The t-shirt was a joke, to me, on how they should at least put him in jail for something serious, plus jailbird orange pants. I am not sure if anyone got it but it may just be my quirky humor.

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