Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Memory saving lives

i was not in class this monday due to the fact that i was taking emergency situation training for the Alta rural fire department which i will be joining this summer.

the training included emergency medical help, assessing/triage, diagnosing, and treating on site injuries. the other part of the training included firearm handling and what to do in a situation involving a firearm. needless to say it has been a busy few weeks during spring break to now.

but the thing that really gets me is that people are going to be relying in my memory. they are going to trust that i know what i am doing and can help them. i cant pull out the manual in the middle of an emergency, i can't call in a consult, i am going to know what i am doing and actually do it. people will rely on my steady head and hands. there are no breaks, no take backs when it involves peoples lives.

we are a rural fire department. in the middle of winter people can't always make it up there let alone in time. so while the medical training was necessary, the firearms training was strongly recommended. and i guess hunter's safety just doesn't cut it.

in early February i was one of the first on site of a nasty car wreck and i couldn't do shit except hold that sobbing, teenage girl while her little brother was partially pinned under a car. I couldn't do shit. so I'm not going to be that helpless again and I'm going to do something damn useful.

Monday, March 9, 2009


holy gods on high, i am soooooo glad that's over with! now that it is i am going back to my room to have my own private freak out which will involve a lot of pacing, ranting, bouncing, and jittering over having to get up in front of more that two people and actually speak words. toodles!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


memorizing my list involved a lot of pacing, repetition and hand movements. additionally snarling at myself on occasion. the only time i was able to use images for memorization was when i actually knew the book or had seen it. .

I live!

well, since i haven't blogged lately i figured i should start again.

first Epithets
Zack- Zazen Zack
Nick- Quick Wit Nick
Ben- Keen Kenning Ben
Me- Gossamer Von Goss
Erin- Emo Erin (Hope the spelling's correct)
Lyn- Rin Tin Lyn (Hope things are going well and hope to see you soon)

note: I seem to be one of the few if not only people in the class whose epithet uses my family name. how odd.